Friday, July 10, 2009

The Baby's Nursery & Week 39 Pics

One week down of not working and I must say it has been pretty nice. All of my friends and family I've been talking with have been telling me to take it easy and rest. I think for the first time in my life, I don't feel guilty for not getting everything crossed off my daily to-do list. I've honestly been trying to sleep in but with going to bed when Josh goes to bed (typically between 9:30-10pm), I've been waking up at 7:30am every morning. It's not so bad really. I feel well rested and I love all of the news shows that are in the morning.

Quick update on the baby and me...the baby is estimated to be weighing 8lbs. 4oz. and as of yesterday I am 1.5 cm dilated! Next appointment is on Tuesday but of course I am praying I go into labor before then. My parents will be arriving tomorrow (Saturday). So after Josh and I have a nice date night tonight and my parents get here, I would like you to come on out, okay baby g?

I have quite a few pictures I have been meaning to post. So to start, here are three pictures of baby g's nursery. The green walls look a lot limier (not sure if that's a word) in these pictures. We have a pretty
good idea of what we think baby g's name will be (to be disclosed at his official naming ceremony...just kidding). But when it's official I will be ordering letters of his name to go above the crib.

The glider/ottoman isn't the one we had intended on getting but we found out the one we wanted was probably going to take 3-4 months (yes months) so we decided to go with the one that we could get in 7-14 days and it was actually a much better price. Not exactly the color I want but I could re-upostler the cushions (I'll just add that to my long list of other projects that I have yet to touch).

There are a few other finishing touches the nursery needs but for the most part all we
really need to complete the nursery is our son!

And here is the baby bedding that only took me my entire pregnancy to find. I am way too particular and I know it. But I just love this bedding. 

And here is your's truly at 39 weeks prego!
Sorry for the picture in the mirror.
Josh was working and well I was bored. 

...insert baby here...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Practice Hospital Run

Yesterday was my first official day off from work and I was super excited to start nesting. I have a very long list of things I'd like to get done before the baby arrives so I was looking forward to a very productive day. I was able to get a lot done in the morning but after a late lunch I starting have a pretty bad pain on the right side of my abdomen. Then pain didn't feel like a contraction but more like a runner's cramp. As I was waiting for the pain to pass I sat on the couch contemplating if I should call Josh or if I should call my father. (Now that Josh is on rotations, I told him I would try not to call him unless I was going into labor because I didn't want to worry him.) I managed to get into a position on the couch where I wasn't in pain and ended up falling asleep until Josh got home from working.

When he got home I tried to change positions and the pain came back right away and it didn't go away. After dinner and after speaking with my father he recommended I just go ahead and call my doctor to see if I could come in and get checked out to make sure everything was okay. So at about 7pm last night we headed towards the hospital to see what was going on. We got right in and they hooked me up to a couple of different monitors. The baby's heart rate was good, the doc checked me out, I wasn't dialated. The doc just thought the baby was in a position that was causing me the discomfort and just to be safe they wanted to keep there to monitor the baby and me. We were at the hospital for a couple of hours and after a sonogram (which everything looked great) we were able to go home at about 11:45pm.

I do feel better this morning but I'm not so sure the pain I was experiencing was the baby being in a funky position. I can feel him moving around quite a bit and I don't think he was poking and prodding my right side. Who knows? I'm just thankful I'm feeling better today and can continue my nesting projects.

Quick shout out to my amazing husband for being so wonderful last night. Josh has to be at the hospital at 6am every morning he has been going to bed between 9-9:30pm. I know it was rough for him to not get enough sleep last night. I guess we can consider it practice for not getting much sleep when the baby is here.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Last Day of Work!!!

I can't believe this day has finally arrived….it's my last day of work! Today is a bittersweet day for me. I am definitely glad to be done working (to start the job I believe God has designed me to do – be a mother); but boy am I going to miss these people. They have been nothing but wonderful to me from the moment I met them. They took me in and have become my Erie family. They had a special lunch for me today, one of my favorites, a Greek salad from Panera, and a good-bye cake. My co-workers also got me flowers, cards, and gifts. I don't feel like I deserve these gifts, I want to give them gifts for how they have blessed me. When I first started working here, I wasn't quite sure if this is where I wanted to be and I wasn't sure what the Lord had in mind. I am so thankful that even before I moved to Erie he had ordained me to have worked here. It didn't take me long to see the Lord's hand in placing me here specifically to learn new things, to minister to my co-workers, and to develop the relationships that I did. God is so good and I praise him for leading me here.

Now this isn't good-bye because I am still going to be working for them just part-part time. The office manager and I have come up with a plan for me to continue taking care of their accounts payables from home. I'll most likely come back towards the end of September/beginning of October and I'll be able to stop on in the shop about once a week with the baby to pick up what I need to pay the bills at home. It's not going to be much but at least we'll have diaper money.

Now that my last day of work has arrived (and is almost over), the baby is even closer to coming!



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