Quick update on the baby and me...the baby is estimated to be weighing 8lbs. 4oz. and as of yesterday I am 1.5 cm dilated! Next appointment is on Tuesday but of course I am praying I go into labor before then. My parents will be arriving tomorrow (Saturday). So after Josh and I have a nice date night tonight and my parents get here, I would like you to come on out, okay baby g?
I have quite a few pictures I have been meaning to post. So to start, here are three pictures of baby g's nursery. The green walls look a lot limier (not sure if that's a word) in these pictures. We have a pretty
The glider/ottoman isn't the one we had intended on getting but we found out the one we wanted was probably going to take 3-4 months (yes months) so we decided to go with the one that we could get in 7-14 days and it was actually a much better price. Not exactly the color I want but I could re-upostler the cushions (I'll just add that to my long list of other projects that I have yet to touch).
There are a few other finishing touches the nursery needs but for the most part all we
And here is the baby bedding that only took me my entire pregnancy to find. I am way too particular and I know it. But I just love this bedding.